Thursday, May 27, 2010

Delivery with Love

Just found out today that our care package has made it to China and Tanith will have it in a few days. I am so happy! We sent her a blanket, teddy bear, recordable book and a special bag to put everything in. In addition we included two cameras, a letter and candy for the caregivers. I cannot wait to see the photos that are taken of Tanith from now until we see her in July. The recordable book has Rafa and I both telling her a lovely story and on every page we have pictures of the two of us.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New pictures

We were pleasantly surprised that we received additional pictures of Tanith. Ann at who is helping us send a care package to Tanith sent us a few pictures and updated information on our girl. The first picture was from Feb 2010 and the following new picture is from May 19, 2010.
height :70cm weight :9kg head :43cm chest :44.5cm feet :10.5cm

First look at our baby girl!

On April 1, 2010 we received notification that we had been matched and that we will be seeing pictures of our baby girl soon. I cannot express how excited we were and anticipating seeing her for the first time.

On April 9th we finally received the much anticipated FedEx. I was so excited and nervous I could not open the package, so Rafa did. I could not believe my eyes...this is my daughter and she is so beautiful and everything that we hoped for. Her given name is Gan, Xing Sheng and she comes from the Jianxin SWI in Jiangxi Province. She is 26.3 inches tall and 24.2 pounds. Medical examinations were logged as normal. She is a moderate sleeper, laughs, knows her name, likes to listen to music and is very active. In a couple of weeks we will be receiving an update on her development. Most of the information we have comes from an assessment taken in February. We anticipate traveling to China in July (she will be 12 months old by then) and we our counting down the days. I will post updates as soon as we have a TA.

For now, please welcome Tanith Isabella Quesada

The Beginning

We started this journey back in November 2005 and began gathering all the required adoption paperwork. It was amazing how much information we needed to collect. Little did we know that we would have to update/re-do our paperwork a number of times before meeting our darling little girl. Our paperwork was submitted to China in April 2006, joined Group 121 and the wait began. At the time we started this process the typical wait time was about 18 months (at the most), however that was not the case for us and many other waiting couples. The process slowed down, almost stopped completely and now the time frame kept being pushed out and pushed out and pushed out. So now it is almost 5 years later and we are finally going to become a family. It was a long emotional roller coaster and sometimes it is still hard for me to believe the time has finally come. Rafa and I are extremely excited and counting the days to we have baby Tanith in our arms...the race to see who holds her first is on and I am hoping I win :)