Saturday, October 1, 2016

October Update

What's New...

Tanith amazes me everyday and I love her kindness for people and animals. 2nd grade is opening her up to so many new and exciting things. She wants to learn all the time now (well, as long as its not spelling words) by taking time every night to read the kids news site; which has given us the opportunity to discuss life and how we can do things differently to make our world better. I foresee many great things from this little girl!

Oct 1 - Sleepover at Alyssa's.  Tanith has had a number of sleepovers already, but this will be the first for her friend Alyssa. They had a wonderful time and are looking forward to the next one...even little brother AJ had a blast. The girls not only had matching outfits, but also twin unicorn dolls.

Oct 2 - Apple picking fun with cousins at Glen Oak Farms, Yucaipa.

Finally got the courage to try her skateboard again and this time success. 

10/6 - Tanith has always been witty and quick with her comments. Daddy started his first day at his new division and was already going to be working overtime a lot; which would require him to sleep at the station. Tanith says, "daddy what you need to do is stop talking on the phone all the time and stay focused". When daddy asked her where does she come up with this stuff, she quickly replied, "from you daddy".  She cracks me up! Sending selfies back in forth has become our way to stay connected.  Here is Tanith's from after school and daddy's at work.

Having a relaxing day with my favorite girl; shopping, playing games and ended the day with a car race; which Tanith won! We had so much fun and shared lots of laughs together.

Taking a walk with Marla in style

 Tanith got a Cabodle to hold her "makeup" and I found this...she filled out the product registration form...LOVE!!!

 Traditional "Lunch on the Lawn" at that I can come to these events...even daddy was able to join in on all the fun!


Disneyland fun day with the Sanders!

 Maddie happy before the ride started and then not so happy afterwards...Tanith got drenched and laughed the whole time...we had to leave after this ride because she was so wet and the weather was a lot cooler.

Tanith's 2nd Grade picture.  She did not leave the house with her hair styled this way...but she looks cute. 

Random photos from the month

Oct 28 - Crazy Hair and Sock Day at school and Trunk-or-Treat in the evening!

Tanith and Latricia having fun..held hands the entire time.

 The girls ran into Zazzie too.

 Time to check out the goods and find one piece to eat!

 Oh wait...Addison just arrived...guess we are going back out to walk around with Addy now. The girls were so excited to find their teacher...dressed as a Chicken.

Finally home and now Tanith organized her candy by type and then counted.  Final count 63 pieces...oops, 62 mommy ate one.

Halloween night with not too many pictures were taken, but at least we have these three :)

The pillow case was full of yummy treats and Tanith made sure she collected some of grandma's favorites, the coconuts candies :)