Saturday, February 9, 2019

February Updates

February has kicked off with lots of much needed rain and snow in the mountains. It is the Year of The Pig, but celebrating Chinese New Years next month with our group.

Impromptu playdate after school with besties.

Chinese New Year dinner at Fu Wing Lo with the family.

It has been a very busy month, so unfortunately I have not been able to keep up with a lot of blogging. Here are some candid shots from the month.

The only time this one every takes nap is while she is in the car. Usually falling asleep right before we get home and then it is impossible to wake her up. I try keeping her up by talking nonstop on the way home, but that strategy does not always work.

Happy Valentines Day!

 Tanith completes all of her 4th grade STMath assignments (online homework) and gets a jump start and begin to work on 5th grade math problems. Proud moment as she worked really hard to keep up and then to exceed expectations. Only 4 others in her class have completed the entire year of math assignments. Way to go Tanith. Next step is working on her writing. I finally figured out why it is so sloppy looking...its how she is holding the pencil...trying to retrain is not easy!#wishIfiguredthisoutsooner.

2019 is the year I (mommy) and all her friends turn 50 years old. So hard to believe, but its true. Here is pictures from Mark, Todd, Adam, Keven, and Tom's party. Grew up with all these guys and especially Mark, Adam and Todd who I have known since kindergarten. I am not posting our pics, but rather the pictures of our kids at the party!

Tanith having fun at friend Khloe's 10th birthday party. 

Probably not happy that I took this picture, but I ad too :)
Heading over to hang out at grandma/pa's house and learning some golf tips!

Tanith and Tia Tati having fun video chatting

As almost every night. Mommy and Tanith playing some sort of card game.