Friday, July 5, 2019

July Update - Tanith Turns 10

It is so hard to believe that Tanith is in double digits. She had a great birthday party the day before and went off on adventures with daddy on her actual birthday while mommy worked.

Tanith, you are growing up so fast and we are so blessed to be your parents. You are developing into such an amazing girl. You are kind, smart, funny, outgoing, and even though you have something to say about everything and want to be a part of everyone's conversations (you get this from your dad) we could not be more proud of you. Love you to the moon and back!

 23 and Me Test - To find out Tanith's background.

We are ready! Happy 4th of July!

July 7-15: Family Trip to Bryce and Zion National Park in Utah. We had an amazing time and did a lot of hiking. Besides the bugs on our hike in Bryce, the weather was not too hot and the girls did amazing hiking. There may have been a few tears on the last big hike. Staring at 8000 elevation, what goes down must come up and the girls were definitely tired and it was a challenging hike up the Wall Street Trail, but the conquered it. Even though it was tough, it was also beautiful and at one time, everyone stopped hiking (a lot of people on the trail) and listened to another hiker playing Amazing Grace on a pipe was priceless and really made the hike even more special. Here a photos in no particular order of the trip.

 This was a tough hike, we had tears, but we powered through it. So proud of these girls.

 This was a result of a rainbow...never seen it so close and bright.

Some final photos from July! We finally got her State testing results. She was so concerned on how she did, but not too bad!