Decided that an update was in order. Tanith is two years and two months old today. Weighs in at a respectable 26.6 pounds and is 34 inches tall...I know she has grown taller since the last check in, so I must have gotten the numbers wrong somewhere...but close enough.
What's New: Tanith is speaking a lot more clearer these days and of course there are the words that we just understand because we are mommy and daddy. I have been singing her the ABC's since we got home from China and she is finally trying to sign along. We are also working on her 123's, Shapes and Colors...for some reason she will say two and three, but avoids one :) I think its on purpose because of a game daddy plays with her. She has also started using her Leap Pad learning book that we originally gave to her cousins when they were little.
She no longer let's me dry her off after bath time...she insists on doing it herself. I had created a little song with sounds that I would sing to her when I dried her off from her bath and now she does the same thing...super cute (I know...everything is super cute). In addition she wants to dress herself and is the master of putting on (and taking off) her shoes. We know once the shoes are on...they will be off just as fast Even takes her shoes to bed with her...I think she practices...not joking. I knew this day was coming. The day our little girl would do more on her own, but a little piece of me misses our daily routines. She is definitely an independent, strong little girl, but she still loves bubbles and her Pooh Bear and I do not think that will change anytime soon. Everything needs ice. From a little scratch, bump on the head and sometimes she fakes it...ice she says...ice ice ice (at home its a frozen bag of green beans).
She has a few new things that she enjoys doing, which consists of playing with Play-Doh and her new Barbie house. Here favorite books are Dear Zoo and Dirt is Delightful. Taking pictures with her IPod is a daily activity and and she will take pictures of everything, especially of the dogs and us. She continues to set the photo up by making sure that we are standing in frame, in the right spot and then tells us to say "cheese".
Say's "me mommy" every time she wants to see what daddy and I are looking at...needs to be involved in everything.
The potty training has officially begun, but slowly. She occasionally tells me when she needs to go to the potty and gets an M & M for telling me, one for #1 and two for #2..so sometimes she scores with four M & M's. She even pretends that her Pooh Bear needs to go. Tanith is still asking "why" and I absolutely love when she says "thank you mommy". Still working on saying "no thank you" instead of NO...correcting this when it happens with a nicer "no mommy" for now.
That sums up what is going on now and I will update again soon. Here are some photos from the last two months.
Tanith took this photo of Todd, Summer and Alyssa during dinner. |