Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

It was a rainy Saturday and Tanith got to try out her new umbrella.  She had so much fun splashing around and would have stayed out all day if we would let her. We actually bought the umbrella yesterday and it was the only one in the store. It could not have been a more perfect fit. It had the same monkey on it as her Ipod does, which she was so excited about. 

The rest of the day was spent running around and then later that night we had a St. Patrick's Day themed dinner with the family.  The Carlin's also stopped by for a visit and brought with them Laurel's two girls, Audrey and Sophia.

Not too bad for a rainy day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Preschool Registration Day

Today we completed Tanith's preschool registration process and turned in her paperwork.  It's official, Tanith will be attending Santa Clara Nursery School and will start on September 4. Sister Maria let us explore the grounds for a bit and I think Tanith wants to start school now. She was so excited to see all the kids and wanted to go out and play.

All we need to do is get her ready for school by being 100% potty trained. We have been working on it for awhile, but need to step it up to the next level.  This rainy weekend seems like the perfect opportunity to attempt to be diaper free. 

Wish us luck!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

All Together

It is not often that the whole family is together at the same time...but yesterday we were. We had a nice family visit and dinner with everyone and wish we had more time together. We all gathered at mom and dad's before heading to dinner...Chinese of course. 

The food was wonderful and Kenny's restaurant was extremely busy.  We had another experience with Tanith and the Chinese language. One of the ladies working would talk to Tanith in Chinese and every time she brought a new dish, she would say what it was in Chinese and Tanith would copy her.  It was really amazing how well Tanith spoke the language, it was so clear.  Throughout the dinner she would continue to do the same thing and each time Tanith repeated the items in Chinese. She seemed to really respond to the language and we started to think how can we get her more exposed to her native tongue.  I think we are gong to start looking in to it very soon!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Update

Today Tanith is 2 years and 8 months old.

Height: still at 36 inches tall
Weight: 28.6 lbs.

Tanith Update:

Tanith is getting so big.  Not only is her personality huge, but her vocabulary is increased a lot. Today she was playing "shopping" she told me she was going to buy eggs, apple juice, orange juice and bananas.  When she 'returned' I asked her what she bought and she listed off all the items on her mental list.  Then she told be she was going to buy medicine for daddy (daddy has a cold). Then she was just standing around and I asked her what are you doing, she replied "waiting in line, there are people getting medicine". Where that came from...I have no idea.

She is counting to TEN, but sometimes Nine comes too early.  one, two, three, four, nine :) She also sings the alphabet pretty good, but refuses to say the letters without signing. Identifying colors is getting better and she does really good at matching shapes.

Tanith is saying a lot more "why" after everything. After you explain  the why she asks it again and again.  She also is asking "what's that" and when she hears a siren, she asks "whats that noise", we respond an ambulance. Then she says "to help people boo boo's", yes baby girl to help people. 
One day I did not have enough of her cereal for breakfast, so I mixed two different types everytime she wants cereal, she say's "two cereals please". 
Some of her favorites are Happy Feet (we have seen the movie at least 200 times by now, or so it feels).  Also Toy Story when we are in the car. She also continues to love Mickey's Clubhouse, but is also a Wonder Pets fan. She always wants to be on the go and outside.  Now when we go anywhere she requests mommy's car, because it has movies.

Purim - Hamantaschen Cookie Time at Grandma and Grandpa's.  The girls had a great day making cookies and playing. Here are some photos from the day.

Daddy and Tanith playing video games and in the kitchen. It was an evening of playing!

Tita sent Tanith a gift...her first gift received through the mail.  Tanith kept saying "what is it" as she opened the envelope. She was so excited to get the package and more so when she saw what was inside. Tita sent a Winnie the Pooh coloring and stickers book and puffy stickers. Thank you Tita!

Dinner- Making Lasagna

Family Fun Day- Friday March 9 and it was in the high 80's...perfect time to visit the beach!

Happy Sunday- visit with Jessica, Matt and Ryan

Saturday Fun with Cousins...movies and the Easter bunny

Random Photos