It is our two year anniversary from the date we received our referral. Everyday has been a blessing and we are so honored to be Tanith's parents.
Today Tanith is 2 years and 9 months old.
Height: 37 inches tall
Weight: 30.2 lbs.
Tanith Update:

Tanith is growing up so fast. It is so wonderful to see how much she has changed over the last few months.
She is talking so much. Sometimes its not very clear, but she is able to have a small conversation. She has interesting names for different things, I refer to it as
Tanithism. She still calls M&M's "
ya yas and the new one is p
opsicle or "yo yo pop". We are officially at the stage of testing mommy and daddy a lot and need someone needs to work on her listening skills. She is still asking Whats That and Why all the time...for everything. She counts to 10 with ease and even makes it to 20. She loves to sing, especially when daddy is playing the guitar or to her CD in the car containing a variety of Jewish songs, which she asks for by saying "Ya Ya Ya".
Interesting Stuff
I am always talking to Tanith about where she comes from, but never really knowing if she understands or is listening. The other day at my mom's house I got confirmation. Auntie Sheryl asked her where she was from and Tanith replied, China. It was a special moment for us!
Tanith loves letting mommy and daddy know when there is a green or red light while driving. Every red light she says "watch out mommy, red light" and "green light go".
Some of her favorites remain the same, she takes care of her dolls and loves playing in her kitchen. The other day I was washing dishes and Tanith yelled, "look me mommy" and she was pretending to do the same thing in her kitchen. She likes to feed the dogs (over feed) and they love it when she does. She is becoming more independent and wants to go to the potty by herself (still has not mastered the potty training yet, but getting better). She dresses herself and puts on her shoes (sometimes the wrong feet).She will tell me to wait or that she will be right back and then she is off on adventure to do something :)
Tanith and daddy surprised me for lunch one day and we went to a Sushi restaurant near my work. A gentleman sneezed (loudly) and all you heard was Tanith saying "bless you", the man thanked her and we continued eating our lunch. There were probably about 20 business people sitting and eating at the time and no one (including us) said anything to the man. It is amazing what a 2 year old can teach you.
Surprise visit to mommy's work
Ducks, Ducks, Ducks!
Random April Photos
Enjoying lunch outside! |
At a US vs China womans soccer game! |
Watching Snow White! |
04/24/12- Today daddy was in the kitchen and hears the flush of a toilet and the sound of a step stool moving across the bathroom floor and then all of a sudden...Tanith appears with diaper in hand and say's "I went peepee in the potty, help with diaper please". Our little girl decided she needed to go potty and did it all by herself. So proud.
Later the same day, daddy sends me the picture below. Tanith is cutting paper with toy scissors. When I got home I told Rafa I was surprised he found them, as I had put them high up in Tanith's closet. He said he did not find them, Tanith brought them to him. So we asked her how did she get them and she said "climbed up"...this is not an easy task and means we need to now toddler proof the house better. Oh My!