What's New
Height 38 inches
Weight 31.8 pounds
Random Stuff:

Tanith is still doing really well at school and seems to enjoy it. She has bonded with her teachers but does not talk too much about friends yet. Every Thursday we get to see what she has learned throughout the week and get to take home all of her art work. We are at the end of her first fundraiser, selling candy and we are volunteering to help out with school activities.
Her school does not celebrate Halloween, instead they have an All Saints Day, which all the girls dress up as angels and the boys as saints and the parade around the school. Looking forward to post pictures...I think we got her an adorable angel outfit. I will be working, but have tasked grandma and grandma to capture the moment for me. So sad I am missing this.
Now that she is in school full time, I think grandma and grandpa are having withdrawals as they do not get to see her as ofter anymore.
She is talking up a storm now and her vocabulary continues to grow. Tanith also has an amazing sense of humor. You do not realize she is listening or paying attention, but then all of a sudden she comes up with the funniest thing to say, which always fits perfectly into the conversation.
The other day daddy put her into timeout and asked her to stand at the front door. Tanith would not go which shocked him because normally she goes into timeout without any issues. When daddy asked her again to go to the front door, she told him she could not. He asked why and she said because mommy was coming home soon and would not see her standing their and would knock her over when she came through the door. All we can say about that is WOW...it amazed us of her thought process of the situation and completely blew us away.
Tanith is really into Snowman's right now and wants to go build one. Unfortunately it is still extremely hot and she probably will not get the opportunity until December. So for now she makes a snowman out of play-doh.
Lately while she is getting ready for school, when putting on her socks and shoes mommy tries to fold her socks down, but Tanith is not on the same page...she insists they be up to her knees and pulls them up. This happened a few times before I starting laughing, because I did the same thing when I was little, just the opposite, I had to have my socks rolled down :) Guess I need to buy her some knee high socks!
I will update more throughout the month, so keep checking back. For now, enjoy Tanith's version of the Hockey Poky.
October 4, 2012
Everyday since Tanith started school we ask her, how was your day and she says "good". What did you do, she replies "I don't know", Do you have any friends, she says "Yes", What are their names, she says "I don't know"...finally after 4 weeks of school as I was dropping her off, she sees a little girl getting out of her car and screams Meghan (with a big smile on her face). I say, is that your friend, she said "yes". Tanith ran up to her friend and gave her a big hug...mommy is happy!
October 6, 2012 Kevin and Abby's Wedding Day
Had a wonderful time with the family to celebrate the wedding of cousin Kevin and Abby at the
Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens. Tanith and her cousins participated in part of the wedding ceremony by placing flowers on a table that represented the past with photos of the grandparents and the girls represented the future. We enjoyed a beautiful sunset before dinner and dancing. When I asked Tanith what was her favorite part of the wedding she said the dancing. She then started humming da da da, da da da...while moving her arms in a dance, replicating Kevin and Abby's first dance. After the last dance, Tanith proceeded to take off all of the glow sticks, bracelets and took everything over to the DJ...it was precious. She thought she had to return all of the fun stuff she got while dancing and was thrilled when she realized she got to keep it all. Here are some photos from the night.
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