Height: still 41ish inches
Weight: 38.5 pounds
What's New
What a busy month already...not sure where all the time has gone, but we have been busy.
- Tanith is still cracking us up with her little ways. She is always conjuring up a plan to do something and has an argument to back it up...maybe our little Tanith destiny is to be a lawyer...I do not know :)
- She has always been, but more so now...very caring to others. She tucked me into bed one night, she made sure mommy and daddy had a treat, before she did...it is these little things she does to make sure everyone is taken care of....so love this about her personality.
- It is the little things you do. One day at Disney, I made sandwiches for us to eat at lunch and had an extra one for Maddie if she was hungry. Tanith was so excited it was lunch time so that she could give Maddie her sandwich...unfortunately she did not realize Maddie was going out for a special lunch with her mommy and daddy....next time :)
- You got to meet Santa and Disneyland and when I asked you what did you tell Santa you wanted for Christmas and you replied, a Donald Duck doll...okay, think I can make that one happen.
- Finally another first happened this month. You learned how to roller skate. It took some time and words of encouragement, but you got it!
Spent the first day of December at Disneyland and had a lovely time. We even stood in line for almost 2 hours so that you could ride the Cars Racers.
Elyse's 4th Birthday. Tanith had a blast and was cheering and giving everyone Hi-fives...it is always a joy to watch her and cousins together.
Random monthly photos
Tanith spent hours making me this special gift!
Disney fun continues the next day with daddy.
Our little Angel...Santa Clara Day Nursery Christmas Performance! Tanith did a good job this year and even had a few words to the audience...as she had to waive and say hi to all of us and then "Shushed the audience"
Santa Clause came to Tanith's school, but she did not want to wake up from her nap...it took her awhile to wake up :)
Gingerbread House Decorating Party...Tanith before, during and after. She spent a lot of time on this house and every piece of candy that did not end up in her belly, landed on the roof of the house. Every piece had a spot and she was very specific about it...I think she gets her artistic ability from me...so sorry :)
Christmas Eve
Christmas morning. Grandma/pa came to see Tanith open up her gifts. It was a slow morning...around 9am, we had to go and wake her up just so we could start...she is definitely our kid :)
Someone was eager to try out her new skates...her first time. We started off on the grass to get used to the skates, practice balancing, a few times with the assistance froom daddy and grandpa and then...she was on her own and did not want any help. It did not take her long to figure it out!
Easy Bake oven fun...made cookies!
Last Charger game of the season.
On Dec 29 Tanith was caught sucking on her thumb. We have had this challenge for some time now and it only happens when she is tired and holding Winnie the Pooh. We have warned her and even sent Pooh on vacation...but it keeps happening. This time I told her we would send him away for 7 days if we caught her...well daddy did catch her and he sent Pooh on a week vacation. Tanith was obviously sad and later went to her daddy and told him that 7 (actually she said 8) days was a very long time and if she could do 3 days instead (yes we have a little negotiator in the family). So daddy told her if she wrote "I will not suck my thumb" 5 times he will reduce the time down to 3 days...this is the result...she will get him back on Jan 1.
Dec 31. Sweet daddy and daughter picture at lunch.