Friday, July 12, 2013

Gotcha Day

Today it has been three years since we made the trip to China and held you in our arms for the very first time!  We love you so much and are blessed to call you our daughter.

To celebrate the day,  I surprised you with a "mommy and daughter day" and took you to Disneyland.  We had such a great day and experienced a lot of new things.  Your favorite ride today was Alice and Wonderland, which we had to ride twice and you loved the Mickey's Magic Map show. 

Today was also your yearly check-up at the doctors and I am proud to report that you are developing well and are right on track...even excel in some areas. 

Here are some pictures from our day.

Hearing test, which you passed with a 100% accuracy.  Every time you clapped you heard a beep.  Now everytime you hear a beep, you clap...too funny :)
Later that day we meet up with daddy and went down to Main Street to look at the street rods and have some dinner.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July Update

Who turned 4 today?

Today is your birthday and I cannot believe how big your getting.  It seems like time goes by too quickly.

We have a lot of milestones this month, besides your birthday, we also get to celebrate Gotcha Day on July 12, which is the day we first held you in our arms and became a family, and it is also the end of your first year in Preschool.

I showed you the blog today and why mommy is so neurotic in taking pictures.  This is a very special book I am creating for you which is a snap shot of your life and something you will be able to treasure forever.  I am looking forward to continuing capturing pictures of you and documenting the things you are doing or saying for a very long time!

July Update

Height: 40 inches
Weight: 35 lbs

What's New this Month

Pre-Birthday Activities
On Saturday we saw friends Erin and Maddie at Erin's Birthday party and they both gave you lovely gifts.  Then on Sunday daddy and I took you out to breakfast at Kay's Kitchen and then to the movies to see Monsters University.  Later that evening we meet the Rodgers for some pizza and fun.  It was a very busy birthday weekend.  Mommy even managed to squeeze in time to make you a birthday may not be the prettiest cake in town, but it was made with lots of love.

July 1, 2013
Today is your birthday and you celebrated at school with all your classmates. It was fun seeing how excited you were to be the center of attention...well deserved for a very special girl.  I brought pizza and cup cakes for the entire class and you even had some gifts to open.  Later that evening we celebrate as a family with her cousins. Uncle Daryl made an amazing dinner...super yummy, the adults enjoyed some cocktails to stay cool on a very hot day and the girls playing in the backyard...couldn't have asked for a nicer evening. 

Here is a message your daddy wrote to you that I thought was beautiful and wanted to add it here:

April 1st 2010; I opened a FedEx package which included a picture of the most beautiful sight I ever saw! it was a picture of my daughter! I learned that day, that while love may just lie around the corner for most people; it had been waiting for me thousands of miles away in the most unlikely place! Talk about love at first sight!!! July 12, 2010 I got to hold her for the first time; she stared directly into my eyes and slowly worked uncertainty into wonder and subsequently a smile. At that moment, where all the noise in the room was drowned by our stare, you realized I was your daddy and I was elated to call you my daughter. are a blessing and the most wonderful gift I have ever been given. I can already see the strong, humorous, clever, studious independent and wonderful woman you are going to be. Rest assure you can always fall at will, because your daddy will always be there to give you a boost and help you find your way should you needed! I love you baby girl! Happy 4th birthday my love!

As we begin a new year, another year older, we cannot wait to see what joy, laughter, and craziness you bring to us!

Happy 4th Birthday Tanith!!!

Here are some pictures from the weekend activities and of course on your Birthday.

Pre-Birthday Weekend

Good Morning Birthday Girl

Birthday Party at School

Tanith:  "Mommy look at me"...and all the other kids: "Mommy Tani, look at me"

Dinner with Auntie Sheryl, Uncle Daryl, Monet and Elyse

Ended her birthday with some yummy ice cream!

Someone really liked her new bouncy ball, fell asleep holding it.  Poor Pooh Bear left alone!

Happy 4th of July- We spent the day with the Rodgers at their neighborhood block party, which included a baseball game, water slides, and good company!  Tanith you had so much fun watching your daddy play baseball and you cheered for him and told him to catch the ball.  They even had activities for the kids and you participated in your first tug-a-war game, but where you had the most fun was in the water. You were excited for the fireworks later that evening, unfortunately you were so exhausted that you fell asleep.  You did wake up around 10pm and saw a few fireworks through your window.  Looks like July 5 is when we will light up some fireworks for you now :)

Daddy and Tanith Road Trip- Solvang
You went on a weekend trip up to Solvang with daddy to meet Uncle Rick, Emily, Matt and Logan.  You were super excited to go, but did tell your daddy that you missed mommy...the funny thing is that you were still in our driveway when you said that.  As soon as you got there, you were off having many adventures.  You went on a hike, road in a dune buggy, watched daddy and Uncle Rick shoot guns and even shot your first BB Gun. The next day you went with Rick's Aunt Beth to the family bakery and then headed to the beach for some fishing.  Daddy said you were so independent and a take charge little girl. You even told him that it was okay that you were going to the bakery in the dune buggy because you had a seat belt.  Of course daddy was a nervous wreck letting you go off without him and so was I when I found out.  So glad you had so much fun on this trip...creating wonderful memories and learning new things!

How do you end a weekend of camping...mani/pedis, hair cut and lunch...daddy did good!

Random Pictures of the Month


At Sophia's (Tanith's BFF from school) Birthday party.

Cousin Fun at Auntie Sheryl's House

July 26 was Tanith's last day of her first year at preschool...instead of school, daddy surprised her and took her to the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles.

More random monthly pictures