It still amazes me how much she has grown and I am looking forward to see her progression this year in school.
How big are you now?
Height: 41 inches
Weight: 36 pounds
Sept 1: An eating experience at The Boiling Crab. How it works, is your food comes to you in a bag with your desired spices, tossed on the table and you just dig in. Dinner consisted of shrimp, crab legs, and corn and Tanith enjoyed every minute of it...even tried preparing her own shrimp (it comes as the entire shrimp and you need to tear/peal it apart). Daddy helped out a lot with the preparation or it would have been a very long dinner. We were a mess by the end, but it was so tasty. Worth the hour plus wait to get in and we will be back again!
Spent our Labor Day at Disney and endured the extreme heat. This was your very first time going on Splash Mountain...you said you liked it, but not the big waterfall :)
September 3, 2013 Your first day back to school for your last year in preschool

I did not have to get you up out of bed, you ate with a mission...that mission was Go To School. You were so excited to see your teachers and friends today. You are in room Preschool 3, your teachers are Sister Obdulia and Sister Rita, but most importantly,your best buddies Meghan and Sophia are in your class.
It was a different experience dropping you off compared to last year. You were in full control and knew what to do when the bell rang. Of course you and your friends had plenty of play time in the morning before they sent the parents home and class began. Cannot wait for the full report later today :)
Set 4: Two days down and two more to go to complete week 1 of school. Tanith likes her new teacher and is telling me a little bit more about her day.
Last year, it was:
Mommy- How was your day?
Tanith- good
Mommy- What did you do?
Tanith- I don't know....I am too little to remember. I am just a little girl!
Mommy- How was your day?
Tanith- good
Mommy- What did you do?
Tanith- I played in the sandbox
Mommy- What did you learn?
Tanith- I don't know
Okay, so a little improvement :)
Sept 13, 2013 - so school is still good and Tanith is really becoming a little talker...will not stop and always has something to say. The other day, we had to go pick up the car at the repair shop. I was telling her what we needed to do and she asked me, "are we walking?, I said "no", she said, well then we can't go get the car, because we need to be able to drive it home...wow, she is so analytical...she realized that if we drove to get the car, we would have two cars...I told her daddy was coming with us and then all was good in the world...yikes!
Meeting baby Raiden for the first time...Tanith you love babies and helped out all day! During bath, Krystin was washing Raiden and was talking out the steps to Tanith...washing our ears, neck, penis, etc...Tanith looks down at Raiden and says "my daddy has a big penis"...yikes! Technically she is correct, compared to Raiden :) Okay not sure if I should be documenting this, but it was so funny and not expected. Again, always looking at everything and has a question or a response. We have a very detailed little girl, who needs to know everything we are doing or going to do, turning into a bit of a control freak we have.
Tanith and daddy at opening game for Chargers football. They took the train to Downtown San Diego, meet up with uncle Rick and Matt and spent the night. The next day when daddy tried to wake you up, it was I need more sleep, I had a busy day yesterday...sorry dear, we have a train to catch :)

Parent Night at Santa Clara Day Nursery!
Your first test and medal. You were tested on Shapes, Colors and Body Parts and you did really good. You got all the body parts correct and only need to work on the color Grey and rectangles. So proud!
Monet's 5th Birthday Party
Disney with Grandma and Grandpa
Someone loves her dogs!
Chinese Moon Festival with buddy Meghan!
Another Charger game in San Diego...you love going to the games with your daddy!
I do not have a picture of this...I dropped the ball, but as I was getting ready to go on a week long business trip, I laid my suitcase on the bed and when I returned to pack, Buz, Woody, Jessie, Pooh Bear and baby doll were all packed in my suit case. I asked Tanith what she was doing and she replied, "I do not want you to miss me, so I packed my favorite dolls". I told her that I could not take all of them, but did take one. Broke my heart to leave!