How big are you now?

Height: 41ish inches
Weight: 36 pounds
What's New
- I love the new things you do and how you amaze us with your comments and feedback. The other day during dinner, daddy as typing a text on his phone and I noticed something was different...I asked him, what was wrong and he said, I am trying to type with both hands and its harder than when I just type with one. You looked up and said, "daddy...then you should type with one hand if it is easier". We just looked at each other and told her that was a great suggestion. WOW!
- When I picked you up from school, I asked how your day was and you said okay, but you and Sophia were no longer best friends...I asked why and you said I don't know and maybe will be friends again another day. The next day we asked you about Sophia again and this time you told us what happened. There was some incident in the sandbox and Sophia told you that you were no longer best friends. This made daddy and I very said, because this is the first time someone said something like that too you. What I loved was your attitude, when you said that maybe later you would be friends again.
- The sandbox incident-update. So when I picked you up from school you were playing with Sophia and gave her a hug goodbye. When I asked you if you were BFF's again, you said No...that you had the ball first and that Sophia said she was finding a new BFF. You said she was not nice...not sure what happened, but we did have a discussion about sharing. As I put the pieces together, it seems that you had the ball first and did not want to share with anyone...let the feuding continue, because you said that you are still not BFF's.
- Final update...the sandbox shenanigans are over and they are BFF's once again :)
- Had a fifteen minute discussion/disagreement about cell phones on our way to the store. I was using the navigation on my phone to get us to a new place...You argued with me that cell phones do not talk. First you thought it was daddy, but when I told you it was not, that it was the phone...well let's just say you continued to say that cell phones do not talk and did not let up...then told me that daddy's phone doesn't talk, auntie Sheryl and Marlene's phone does not talk, etc. I finally gave up and changed the subject. Oh, one more kept yelling at the cell phone (even though it does not talk) when it repeated the would say "we know...stop".
- Classic goodbye. When Trish came to visit, I told you its time to go to bed, so you walked up to Trish and said "Thank you for coming...Bye Bye".
- Love when you tell daddy to "hit it" and he proceeds to cute. Hit It Daddy!
Someone is loving her new art table!
Emily's Gymnastics Competition - Tanith loved watching Em perform and even said she wants to earn medals too when she is bigger :)
Tanith wanted to camp out on her bedroom we did. I am a little sore, but survived the night.
Aunt Helaine and Uncle Dick's Birthday Bash. It was a lovely night, with wonderful food, drinks, dancing and good company. Tanith and her cousins rocked the dance floor and did not want the night to end.
Tanith earned her second medal for her outstanding test results. She was tested on knowing and writing her Letters A-E and Numbers 1-5. She did great and only needs practice writing 4 and 5.
Pa's Pumpkin Patch. Tanith had a blast and enjoyed her unlimited rides. I think she went down the giant slide over ten times and road every ride they had and wrapped it up with the pony ride.
Dinner and a doggie balloon animal...score!
Cousin dress up fun
Just because you cannot dress up at school for Halloween, I still managed to give you a festive look with your orange shirt with a black cat and some funky socks :)
Happy Halloween - Little Red Ridding Hood is ready for some Trick or Treating :) We spent the evening with friends and Tanith lasted 90 min of going door to door...but really slowed down towards the end of the walk. Tanith and friend Galina held hands the entire evening, except when they had the chance to pick out candy. She absolutely loved her costume that Auntie T lent her (Emily wore it many years ago).