Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January Update

Happy New Year...looking forward to a happy and healthy 2014. 

Look at me now
Height -  42 inches creeping up...but not there yet!
Weight - 48 pounds

  • Your big new thing is listening to music in your room.  We plugged in a clock radio so you can start learning time, but all you do is put on the radio and chill in your room.
  • Had your first not so great report card from school today.  Three times you were marked off for either playing or talking during story and learning time.  You really do take after mommy and daddy :)
  • Your piano teacher said you are doing really well...we were kicked out of the lessons so you can concentrate, but daddy and I found a way to check in.  Love watching you interact with the others and do your best.  You are the youngest in the class, but the first to always raise your hand and volunteer :)
  • You are so much like your daddy in many different ways.  The one that stood out was your eating habits. I asked you what you want for breakfast and you said eggs just like daddy eats them, dipping the bread into the yolk. This is just one example, I could go on for ever. Guess better daddy's eating habits versus mine.
  • Learning that you are a little impatient and want to do everything perfect the first time, even want to give up when your not perfect.  You said, "I can't"...we have now added that to our list of things we do not say and replaced it with "I will try".
  • Your too cool. You try and say OMG (Oh My Gosh in text talk), but instead you say is super cute.
  • You love the movie Frozen and sing Let It Go and Do You Want to Build a Snowman...all the time.
Jan 1
We started off the new year with the cousins at the Queen Mary to enjoy the Ice Kingdom, lunch and walking around the boat.  Special thanks to Uncle Daryl and his connections that we had VIP access to all activities, too bad the girls are not tall enough yet to do everything, but they did go down the ice slides (so did the parents) and in the jump house. Was a very nice day!


Jan 2 we celebrated grandpas 76 birthday and  then a trip to the aquarium. 

Love this next group of photos.  We went to Target and just browsing the clothing section I hear, "hey mommy" and there Tanith was posing like the photo on the wall, so of course photo opportunity and then we had to copy all of them.
Only 2 days into the month and already accomplished so much!  Starting next week, Piano and Ice Skating excited, we both are!

On Jan 4 Tanith decided to cut her hair. Why? Not sure.  She is always playing with my hair and loves to pretend to cut and style hair...but what possessed her to take the scissors and cut away...we will never know. Was it because the scissors were not put away and too tempting for a 4 1/2 year old to pass up...probably.  Well, luckily it is cut in such a way that it is hard to tell she did it, but here is the proof.  By the look on her face and the talk we had, we hope this will not happen again.

Jan 6 Your First Piano Lesson.  You had a blast and liked it....few more lessons and you will be ready to play in the Quesada band :)

 Jan 11 Your First Ice Skating Lesson.  What a fun experience.  You and your best friend Sophia took the lessons together and mommy joined in on the fun.  You did a really good job for the first time on the ice and cannot wait for next week. Later we made some banana bread together and relaxed at home.  What a fun and full day!

Some random photos taken...

Jan 18-20 we enjoyed our second time at Winterfest.  You had so much fun hitting mommy with snow balls, sliding down the big ice slide (which you had to do by yourself), attempt at building a snowman, the jump house and playground.  Your cousins joined this year and everyone had a wonderful time.  We also had ice skating, piano and a quick trip to Disney.  A very full weekend.


 Someone wanted the same hairdo as her doll :)

Hutch just lets you do anything too him...special dog and relationship the two of you have :)

Jan 31 -
Gong Hei Fat Choi.  Looking to a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year...Year of the Horse!  Tanith made the hat she is wearing at school in celebration of the new year.  Next month we will celebrate with friends at the annual FCC group CNY Banquet held in Chinatown in Los Angeles.