How big am I now?
March 1: Cookie making fun on a rainy day at grandma/pa's house. The girls did a great job and the cookies tasted amazing.
March 2- Dr. Seuss' Birthday celebration at school. Tanith got to eat green eggs and ham, while wearing her PJs. Pictures to follow.
Height: 44.25 inches
Weight: 43 lbs.
Weight: 43 lbs.
Interesting Stuff:
- Oh how witty you are. Your comebacks to things we say to you, amaze us. The other day, daddy was a little upset because you would not sit properly at the dinner table and were wiggling all over the place, which always ends up with a mess or your falling. So daddy said, Tanith how many times do we have to tell you to sit correctly at the table?" and just as daddy was about to continue, you said with a very quick response "a lot of times". We proceeded to laugh hysterically, how could we not.
March 1: Cookie making fun on a rainy day at grandma/pa's house. The girls did a great job and the cookies tasted amazing.
March 2- Dr. Seuss' Birthday celebration at school. Tanith got to eat green eggs and ham, while wearing her PJs. Pictures to follow.
March 4 - Today Tanith received her first award, for Student of the Month, for being a "Terrific Friend and Helper". She was so excited to hear her name being announced and was beaming with happiness.
Impromptu picture after school.
Birthday party fun.
Bowling with Indian Princesses
Seeing the new Cinderella movie with the Frozen Fever short. Loved the movie and time with my girl.
Princess Tanith and her best buddy Hutch. He is so good with her, let's her dress him up and everything!
Tanith making empanadas for dinner
Open House at school