Hanging out at Downtown Disney, enjoying a juice and taking a break before going into Disneyland for a ride or two.
Eventually we made it into the park, road the train around and then took our chances at Indiana Jones...and to our joy, Tanith is finally tall enough (without "special" help, aka stuffing shoes to appear taller) to go on the ride and loved it! Another first at Disney...I think we are going to be running out of firts soon...oh no wait...they are developing a whole new themed area...let the adventures continue.
Front row...of course!
One of our daily events...driving home from school!
Monday Night Football...Go Chargers!
Lunch on the Lawn at school
Cousin sleepover at Grandma/pa's house
Before I could blink, Tanith was packed for the sleepover and had everything ready at the door!
Last swim in Grandma/pa's pool for the season
Halloween fun at gymnastics
Looking stlyish in her new dress and boots
Oct 30 - Trunk-or-Treat at Schroeder Elementary was a big success. Lots of candy and fun for the kidos.
Happy Halloween!!! The Scary Princess had a blast and collected a lot of great candy this year. She sorted all her candy, made both mommy and daddy their own bag of tasty treats. So another trick or treat completed and Tanith is kind of sad...she wishes Halloween was every day!