June is here and the count down for Summer vacation has begun. Only a few more weeks left of school.
Here you are sound asleep and trying to feel better and another picture of you on the mend, multitasking in the car. Reading and bonding with Brady.
Yeah it is June 2 - Finally feeling better and just in time for the Father Daughter Dance. My little girl looked so beautiful and was so excited to be spending quality time with her daddy.
Getting her hair done. She gave the stylist a specific description of what she wanted and I think it turned out amazing. Simply gorgeous!
"I got this mom" she told me. She wanted to get dress by herself, but did need me to help with her makeup. Such an independent little girl. I wish I could be a fly on the wall at the dance just to see her interact and dance with everyone. Instead I get to patiently wait for pictures and updates during and after the dance.
Indian Princesses Pool Party
Checking out mommy's work digs :)
End of school year PJ day!