Tanith at the California Avocado Festival.
Lunch on the lawn at school with daddy and a little art work.
Pumpkin carving time.
Picked up Tanith early from school, so while I worked she did homework, while rocking out.
Tanith had one of her best soccer games of the season (so far). She was aggressive, hustled, played great defense, and even assisted another team member by passing her the ball so she could score. I was so proud. After the game, we went by grandma/pa house to share the news of the game before they went off to a party.
Getting ready for Natalie and Jacobs baby shower for Willow.
And I introduced to Tanith on a fun way to pop balloons...she had a blast!
Trunk-or-Treat Time at school
Love this photo. So I told Tanith a number of times that she should not sit in the doll stroller because it will break...well it broke and Tanith tried to fix it with duct tape (aka painter tape...all I could find). She said she can fix it because her daddy taught her how to repair things and duct tape fixes everything.
Soccer game! Tanith was Team Captain.
Happy Halloween. Tanith and I hit the neighborhood at 6:45 and finished at 8:15. We had a blast and Tanith got a lot of great candy.