We kicked off the new year relaxing at home. We had a very busy few week with the holidays and
birthdays that we deserved a day of rest. Well Tanith rested and mommy cleaned house. We did a manage to have a little fun and jumping (yes mommy tried to) on the pogo stick to bring in the new year.
Jan 2 was grandpas 80th Birthday and we spent it together as a family and celebrated with a nice dinner out.
Cousin Fun
Inspirational art work by Tanith
Love and Family and Family is Always Important
Not feeling well
At the Vet with Quincy. Quincy is getting older and having difficulty walking. The first picture was when he could not walk or stand and then a few days later we are picking him up.
Making cup cakes...which were delicious.
Having fun with apps on the phone!
This is how Tanith decided to spend 100 Mustang Monies that she has been collecting. Lunch with the Principal.
Manhattan Beach Pier, enjoying a beautiful warm day.
Family Movie Night at School
Long day...this is what happened when we left movie night.
Few final photos of the month
1/31: What a great way to end the month. Started off with an iMom breakfast at school and then an afternoon meeting with her Speech teacher. I am happy and proud to report that Tanith has graduated from taking Speech at school. She meet all her goals earlier than expected, which means all her hard work has paid off. We celebrated her achievement with some Sushi for dinner.