July 1 -
Happy 9th Birthday baby girl. You mean the world to us and you continue to amaze us. You are growing up so fast and it's a joy to watch you develop and continue to be a caring and loving person. I wish you the best day ever. We went out to breakfast and kept it pretty low key as we were all exhausted from our trip. We did manage to make it to the mall (Tanith's request) to do some shopping and then home.
Summer fun with Alyssa and AJ |
Fourth of July neighbors and fireworks equal fun times.
Day of volunteering for the Cat Cove Rescue. Helping socialize the new kittens and help them find their forever homes.
Summer time fun with friend Joceyln from school. At the Honda Center to see KidzBop Concert.
The time has come...we have been to the Orthodontist a number of times preparing for this day. First cam spacers, then the expander, and now the braces. Tanith is doing well adjusting to her new metal mouth...at least she gets to pick fun colors for the bands. She went with the aqua bands this time around. Here is her before braces and after pictures.
Someone wanted short hair and bangs, so daddy said okay.
Well, our little girl is growing up. Decided that she did not want the Disney stuff up on her walls anymore, but wanted to save her favorite Winnie the Pooh. Still holding on to a little bit of being a little girl.