It is May 15 and so much has been going on. Spring soccer has wrapped up and the Pink Fluffy Unicorns ended the season undefeated. Tanith scored her first goal ever and then two more during another game. I have never seen her hustle as much as she did this season and she loved being mid-fielder instead of defender. Her soccer skills improved so much and we were fortunate to have a great coach (Rob Hoy) and outstanding teammates. The girls played so well and were by far more skilled than the other teams. We ended the season with a beach day and hope that the next season is just as good.
What else! School is almost over and 5th grade is on the horizon. Tanith did well this year and thrived with her teacher Ms. Kitchen. I think the room dynamics and her teaching approach really gave her the ability to develop and learn. This would be the first year that I did not have to have a teacher conference to identify ways to help Tanith excel. She is still strong in math and big on reading. She is currently reading the Harry Potter books. But do not get me wrong, her other favorite thing to do is be on her iPad...which I need to monitor her screen time on.
Tanith is still such a caring and special girl. Her heart is beyond her years and she surprises me everyday with her compassion. There are so many examples of this, but the one that really stood out was at my Aunt Joan's memorial service. Aunt Joan was a sweet and kind person, but unfortunately her son (my cousin Greg) was not a good person and purposefully divided the family with his lies and manipulations. At the end of the service, my Aunt Kitty could not hold back her hurt feelings (and said what we all wanted to) and was very emotional as she told our cousin about how awful he we were leaving, Tanith stopped and turned back to the group. I asked her what she was doing and she said I need to do something. She walked over to Aunt Kitty and gave her a big, strong hug. When she came back, she looked at me and said...I thought she needed a hug. These little acts of kindness is something that Tanith has always had in her and I love her for it. This is something that you can't necessarily teach, but more something that is developed and by nature apart of a persons soul. I remember speaking to the director of the SWI where she lived her first year of her life and it was obvious back then that Tanith was a caring individual who comforted others. I know she will do some amazing things throughout her life.
I know...lots of words, no pictures. I get it!
So I often check in with Tanith to see what she wants to do for her career...I find it interesting to see how it changes each year as she is exposed to different life experiences. So from a mom, to a soccer coach, to a hair stylist...(and much more), we have now landed on Zoologist. She said she wants to work at the zoo and help care for all the animals. Yes, I can see this one happening...time will tell. pictures and a lot of them.
Cousin Viviana visiting us from Brazil for a few days while she was in town for a business meeting. It has been 20 years since she has been to California and staying with us.
Tanith and schools friends together for BFF Joey birthday celebration at Universal Studios
4th Grade Walk Through California presentation.
Fun day with Joey at the playground on the beach in HB.
Spring her!
Back to school night. Tanith showing off all her accomplishments for the year!
Yeah Tanith, scored two goals in one game...Outstanding!
Daddy daughter day...BTS (Korean Pop band) Concert
Final! Undefeated team!
Celebrating a great Spring Soccer Huntington Harbor!
Mother's Day with the family.
My gift...inside the jar all the reasons why Tanith loves favorite, "you put everyone/me before yourself" does a 9 year old understand or recognize this?