International travel and boarders closed, schools and businesses closed. All gyms, sporting events, concerts and theme parks CLOSED. Even the 2020 Olympics was postponed. Many are now learning how to work from home and homeschool their children at the same time. No more play dates (traditionally speaking > now virtual socialization only) and we are keeping at least six feet distance (called Social Distancing) from each other and only leaving our homes to work (if you can) and buy groceries (if you can find any). Only essential business are able to still be open; such as banks, first responders, hospitals, gas stations, postal/shipping, grocery stores, and fast food (to go food only).
Your school closed on March 16 for two weeks, but then a week later was pushed out to April 17 (but may be longer and the reality is that you may not go back for the rest of the year). People have gone mad and started hording food and toilet paper. Our main goal is to stay healthy and hope that people mind the stay at home orders. We can exercise and take walks, but just keep distance from other people.
So to get through this, one has to find a sense of humor and learn how to live differently. We are living a new normal and not sure if or when this will be over. So here are some pictures, some funny and some about what is going on and then of you. One day your going to be able to tell your kids about how you could not play with your friends or hug your grandparents. How your life at 10 years old changed in a blink of an eye.
First are some pictures of you and your cousins before everything changed. You had such a good time with them. They slept over, played games, watched movies and then visited with your grandparents. A week later, everything changed.
Last picture I have from you in school.
Before they said stay six feet apart, this is how we said hi and bye! The Elbow Bump |
When this all started, people started buying all the TP, sanitizers, soaps. Since many of us could not find TP anywhere, this photo was joking about conserving what you had. Everyone made songs, videos on Washing Your Hands. Luckily I had enough TP, but will run out soon. Now stores are limiting everything people buy to ONE item only, so that everyone could have a supply on hand. The reason for the hording of TP and everything now is that no one really knows how long this will last and they are scared. We are all scared.
March 22, making daddy lunch and being your silly and lovable self.