Happy New Year! We are still social distancing, but hope is in the air that with a vaccine finally being distributed to front lines workers, that eventually all Americans will also and we can regain some sort of normalcy.
Reflecting back to the year of 2020, there was definitely some negative respects of Covid. but they were also some positive...some highlights. what I missed in 2020 was just being with family hugging my parents spending more time with friends and just being able to do anything without any worries. Both Ralph and I were fortunate that our jobs allowed us to continue to work. Obviously as a police officer he’s a first responder so his job was safe, but he was amongst people who potential had Covid. For me, my company flourished and hired so many. Even help cousin Michael get a job.
The best part of working during Covid was the fact that I got to work from home every single day. I was no longer commuting back-and-forth and everywhere. I was able to stay home and actually spend time for myself; as a mom you usually don’t get that and I actually had time for me and also more time for Tanith and the family because I was more present and I was around. I got to see more and that was a blessing. During Covid I learned about paddle-boarding and being able to be out on the water it was so Zen like and relaxing and just so good for my mental health. The best part is Tanith also loved to be on the paddleboard so for Christmas for 2020 she got her on board and now we can go at any time together and enjoy being out on the water together. Even though for some remote learning for the kids was very difficult I think Tanith likes it and in her words “there’s less drama at school she still and gets to see her friends on camera”. Obviously she would want to be with them to hang out and be able to just go places with her friends, but I think she actually likes and prefers being at home rather than school. So it may be a shock for her when she eventually does go back. I don’t know if it’s going to be this school year, but probably by seventh grade she’ll be back in school and no longer have to do it from the house. For me, it appears the plan is to keep us remote forever! I am happy with that!
Looking forward to a brighter and healthier 2021!
Dad/grandpa 83 years young today!