We cannot believe that Tanith is now
15 months old. She is getting so big and is moving around the house and dogs without any hesitation. Her favorite things now are feeding the dogs, or actually redistributing their food. It amazes me that the dogs do not seem to mind her playing with their food while they are trying to eat. She loves going to the gym with daddy because they have an awesome play area. As soon as she sees it she takes off and never looks back...PLAY PLAY PLAY is they only thing on her mind. We still are at 4 teeth but can feel the others coming through. She loves going over to the neighbors house to play (oh and they have yummy cookies) and Costco with grandma/grandpa. She also helps us clean the house. She likes to be involved in everything we are doing...even cleaning. It is cute watching her walk around pretending she is on the phone and it seems that she is always on very important calls...she is all business. She knows what she wants and lets us know it. She even surprised us by climbing into our bed without any assistance and our bed is pretty high off the ground...I think climbing out of the crib is just around the corner. Looking forward to see what's next on the Tanith agenda.

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