It truly is hard to believe that Tanith is
16 mos old today! It has been almost four months since she was placed in our arms for the first time and it feels like she has always been with us. We really cannot imagine life without her.

Tanith Update: She still is sleeping through the night and has no problem going to bed. She typically goes to bed around 8 or 8:30 pm and wakes up around 8am. How lucky are we right now :). She still takes about a 2 hour nap everyday and always wakes up happy and in a good mood. When she wakes up, she just quietly plays in her crib before we go to her. She is very determined and independent. She wants to feed herself...a little messy, but she is learning and she asks for help when she needs it. She has more teeth to report, about four teeth on top, two on the bottom and two more on the bottom coming in. Still no problems in the eating department. Tanith likes everything and yes still likes my cooking. She makes kissing noises and likes to give kisses. She is interested in and pays attention to everything that is going on. She also likes to copy others, for example when someone coughs or sneezes she copies them. She is trying to snap her fingers and dances to music. She understands a lot, specifically when we ask her to do something she does hesitation. Her vocabulary still consist of mama and papa/dada and we think we have heard Hi recently. We hope to hear some new words soon. She is using sign language for "more" and "all done". Her walking has improved a lot and now speed walks (sort of a run). She still laking in the hair department, so no pretty hair clips yet. Her nicknames are Nannies and Trompas (for an expression of hers that she does with her lips). Her favorite thing in the world is still animals, especially dogs.
Tanith waking up...hard to see, but listen for her response.
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