Friday, April 1, 2011

Reflection ~ 21 Months Old Today!

Exactly one year ago today on April 1st, Rafa and I received the news that we have been hoping for for a very, very, very long time...we have been matched with a little girl from China. I remember it as if it was yesterday, just a normal day at work and then my phone rang and little did I know that when I answered that call it would be a life changing conversation. I was truly overwhelmed with emotion. The call provided us with some basic information regarding our daughter to be and were told to anticipate a photo to follow in a few days.  A few days later, the FedEx arrived and we finally got to see a few pictures and it was love at first sight.  Here is what we knew back then about Gan, Xing Sheng (soon to be Tanith)...she came from the Jianxin SWI, in Jiangxi Province. She was 26.3 inches tall and 24.2 pounds (looking back not sure how accurate the stats were). Medical examinations were logged as normal. It indicated that she was a moderate sleeper (which was an understatement...she can sleep), laughed a lot, knew her name, loved to to listen to music and was very active (most of this was right on).

Today Tanith is 21 months old and we have been a family now for 9 months. As I look back on this day last year it is hard to believe that we were just learning a little bit of information about our little girl and started preparing for our trip to China for early July.  It has been an amazing nine months and we are truly blessed to have her in our lives.

Tanith Updates:  She now weighs in at 25.2 lbs and is 32.5 inches tall.   She is definitely trying to talk more and her new word is "Hello".  It is amazing how much she is growing and developing. She has mastered the IPhone and knows how to open/scroll through photos, play videos, access the music and open all her games. A few months ago it was random selections, but now she is very deliberate in the apps that she is opening.  I am super amazed by her aptitude towards certain things. We finally,corrected the issue with her throwing her plate of food on the ground when she is finished eating. It only took a few times in "time out" (by the way timeout is matter where you place her, she will sit/stand there and not move until we tell her she can) and now hands us her plate...YEAH!

Look Back: 
February 2010  (Our first look at Tanith was on April - her referral picture was taken in Feb)

April 15, 2010 (still waiting to meet her, but were blessed to receive an updated photo)

July 12, 2010 Gotcha Day (She took our breath away)

April 1, 2011



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