Weight: 33 pounds
Height: 39 inches
We started off the New Year celebrating dad/grandpa's birthday...the big 75. Then on the next day we spent the afternoon at the beach. It was a beautiful day and so the girls decided playing in the water was a good idea and they all went into the very cold ocean water. They were wet and cold but had so much fun...Tanith did not want to leave. Later that evening we had dinner at Kenny's before the family left to continue their vacation. Tanith really bonded with her cousins this trip and is missing them so much. To finish off the busy week we headed off for Disney for a day of fun and then we ended with a "Crib Sister" party.
What's New
Tanith's Spanish has improved so much since her cousins were visiting. Now instead of saying "bless you" when someone sneezes, she corrects us and tells us we need to say "salud". In addition she just blurts outs random words in Spanish.
Big news in the world of Tanith, she graduated from the baby car seat to the booster seat. I was out of town for work when daddy decided it was time and he was right. He said that she was super duper excited because "she is wearing a seat belt like mommy and daddy". Its hard to imagine she is growing up, but she is. When I returned home she was ready to show me her new seat. Later on we got out the video of her "gotcha day", the day we became a family and watched it together. She loved seeing herself so small.
-Her favorite things to say are: "that's my favorite", "your my best friend", "biggest in the world" (could refer to anything when she says this).
-Since Tanith was little when she was done with her bath, we would wrap her up in a towel and say "package for Mongo", from the movie Blazing Saddles...which was the alert she was out of the bath and ready to get dressed. Now that she is older, as soon as I wrap her up in the towel she now says it. Love her!
-She loves to copy what we say (need to watch what we say more now), especially when we are in the car and are telling the navigation system an address. Cracks us up.
-How she sings along to songs and even requests songs while we are driving. She knows more words to songs playing on the radio than I do :)
-We are in so much trouble...while I was away for work, Tanith wakes up one morning and says she is not feeling well, so daddy calls the school and lets them know she would not be there. When he hangs up the phone, Tanith says "daddy you call my school", daddy said yes, Tanith says "maybe we can have lunch with Uncle Rick" and grins...hummmm, is she really sick! They do not go out with Uncle Rick, but instead have lunch with grandma and grandpa...picture below. You tell me, does that look like a sick child?
-We showed her the video of when she was a baby in China and now want to watch herself as a baby everyday :)
-Love how much she cares for the dogs and has become very protective of them.
-more to come...
Jan 1st photos
Jan 2nd
Jan 4th- California Adventure
Disneyland afternoon with the family
Dinner out!
Tanith in her new car seat!
Tanith, does not look sick here...hummmm!Random photos:
Lot's more updates to come :)
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