Weight: 33.5 pounds
Height: 38 inches
What's New
- Love that your always singing. Most of the time your making up songs about mommy and daddy and the dogs.
- Your vocabulary is growing, like using the words outstanding, amazing, and beautiful. You still need work on pronouncing some words, but that will come with time.
- I especially love at the end of shows or something we are doing we have to say what our favorite part was (learned that from watching Dora the Explorer)
- We have been having fun with cousins Minor, Nancy and Elian visiting from Costa Rica.
- Going to Disney a lot lately. My favorite day was when we went to Turtle Talk and you raised your hand to talk to Crush (aka the turtle from Finding Nemo) and you asked him where was Nemo. I love that you want to get involved and have no fear or shyness. When they ask for volunteers, your hand automatically goes up.
- Your pretend telephone conversations have really elevated to a new level and you actually have a full conversation.
- Now for no reason and out of the blue you say, "I love you mommy/daddy". This melts my heart.
- On Feb 4 we received your official Birth Certificate from the State of California. By far the easiest and last thing we needed to do. It was not necessary to complete your adoption, but will make going to school and other things requiring documentation a lot easier.
- We have been pretty fortunate with you not getting sick, but you finally told me your tummy hurt and that you probably ate too much...before I could blink you vomited :( this was a first time for you.
Chinese New Year celebration at Disney California Adventure
On Sunday, Feb 10 we spent the day at Disneyland and Disney California Adventure (DCA) with friends Michelle, Dave and Maddie. DCA had special activities and shows to celebrate the Year of the Snake. The girls and mommies all got their face painted and saw a dance show and the dance of the dragons. The parks were both pretty crowded, so we only got on a few rides before heading home. It was a wonderful day and now looking forward to our next Chinese New Year event with the FCC group in Los Angeles's China Town.
Pre-Valentines Day...making cards for her teachers
Valentines Day
More monthly photos
Daddy's Birthday Lunch with the family
more to come!
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