Height: 41ish inches still, but getting closer to 42
Weight: 36.5 pounds
What's New
Weight: 36.5 pounds
What's New
- I love how much more our conversations have developed. You are a talker (just like your parents) and always have something to add (we call you 2cents Tanith...always adding in your 2 cents to a conversation), even if the conversation has nothing to do with you :)
- Did I ever mention that you love pickles? Not sure if I did, but for the last year you want pickles...so we order you extra pickles on everything :)
- You can sit in the back in the car and make up song after song after song. They are very interesting :)
- Since it was Thanksgiving, I told you that I was thankful for you being my daughter. I ask what you were thankful and you said, "the car", so I asked you why the car, and you said, "so when you are older you can drive". Okay then!
- We took you to see the new Disney movie Frozen. The movie was very emotional at the end, like most movies are, however you experienced something from this movie that you never had before. I realized you where sniffling and then wiping you eyes...tears! You were so into the movie and it made you cry....melted my heart....your an emotional sap like your daddy and I.
All Saint Day Parade, November 1, 2013
Today was Tanith's day at preschool where she dressed up as an Angel and joined others from her class (Saints, Angels and Mary) and celebrate All Saints Day. Tanith was so cute and was working the crowed as she walked around the playground waiving to everyone, as if she was the princess of the parade and in my eyes she was.
Random monthly photos
I love this painting. You wrote Tanith Iris and drew a heart...LOVE!
The mask that you and Steve are wearing terrified you when you were younger...not anymore!
Mommy got enough courage to let you go down the pole this time...you rocked it (video below).
Mommy used to play at this park when she was a little girl. It was fun taking you there. It is different from 40 years ago, but still fun!
What a nice treat. Grandma/grandpa took us to see Cinderella on stage. You have an amazing time and told me your favorite part was going on stage at the end and taking a picture with Cinderella :)
China Sister Holiday Get Together
They keep growing...what is up with that ;) It was nice to welcome back Ben, Carmen and Lucia who have been living in Spain for a few years and missed the Meghan and family this time. We had a nice visit as usual and the girls played really well together and even did some crafts.
Sunday fun day at Disney. Tanith navigated us through the park with her map :)
A little bit of Chanukah and Thanksgiving all rolled together...Chanukah and Thanksgiving will not overlap again for a very long time.
This video is my favorite. Tanith signing the Turkey song she learned at school. Love her so much!
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