Height: 42 inches and growing out of all my pants ;)
Weight: 30 (I went to the doctors and they also had her get on the scale...what this tells me is that our scale is not accurate or she is thinning out and losing some of her baby fat...all I know is that she feels a lot heavier when I lift her up.)

- Another year to reflect back. On April 1, 2010 we received the most important phone call...after five years of dreaming and waiting, we were finally matched with our beautiful baby girl. A few days later the following pictures came via FedEx and it was love at first sight. It still amazes me how time passes by so quickly.

What's new...
- Lately you like to recall different events when you were younger. You always say, "remember when I was a baby..." and you love watching old videos. I will admit so do I :)
- School is going well and you are doing better at paying attention and not talking during learning.
- I think you are a bit spoiled...really I do. Here is an example, you told me, "mommy I am done with my juice", I said okay, what do you want?, you said "for you to come get it"...really! I had you put your cup in the sink.
- You are so much like your daddy its a bit scary. You have his impatience, stubbornness, and will argue every point. On the flip side, you are funny and polite just like him too.
Someone loves getting her nails painted!
Went to the DMV and applied for an ID card. We thought she should have one on file, finger print and picture. Also looks like two people will be traveling with mommy to Hawaii on my business trip and did not want to carry her passport around. She was so excited and I cannot wait to her ID comes in the mail.
She asked...what kind of mom would I be if I denied her the opportunity. She REALLY wanted to do the dishes.
Chilling in the car having a snack before speech therapy class at Expressions.
We are going to start teaching Tanith how to read using the same book I learned on. Grandma saved all of these books and I am so excited to be able to share them with Tanith as she begins to learn how to read.
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