How Big Are You Now!
Weight: 42.5 lbs
July 1, 2014 Today is the big day, you are officially 5 years old and we are so proud of you. We actually were able to say Happy Birthday to you just after midnight since you were still up from a late night at your first piano recital.
We took the day off and have a few things planned, one which was going to Disneyland on a mission to see the Frozen Royal Reception to meet Elsa and Anna. The morning started off with breakfast and the birthday's girl request was mac-n-cheese...why not...its your birthday. At Disney, daddy earned his Father of the Year award for standing in line for three hours so Tanith could see Elsa and Anna, while we went on lots of rides and had a good time. After Disney we went to watch the USA futbol game and then home for some ice cream with her Auntie Sheryl, Uncle Daryl and her cousins. It was a good day and Tanith was very happy.
Ice cream with your cousins and they got you a little pony, which you have named Hobby Glow in the Dark Pinky. You said the first name is Hobby, middle name is Glow in the Dark and her last name is Pinky :)
Gifts keep coming. Thank you Aunt Helaine and Uncle Dick for the lovely books
4th of July Fun
It is what it looks like, the bed of a truck converted into a pool. Kids loved it!
July 6 - Tanith's Birthday Party. You woke up and even half asleep put on the tiara and ring...you were ready to party! It was a small party with a few friends and it turned out to be a wonderful day. You got good use out of the jump house, played games, opened gifts and had cake...what else could anyone ask for. The special candle we purchased when we were in China worked perfectly and surprised you when it opened up into a flower. It amazed me the energy you had, especially since we were up early that morning and you never came down from your natural happy high until 9pm at night when you finally fell asleep.
Emily was such a big help at the party and you loved the Olaf doll she got you!
I love these girls and their parents. I am so glad we still get together and hope we continue for a very long time. Maybe one day we will actually be successful in getting a great picture of the girls...next time we need to take the picture earlier rather than at the end of the day :)
Random photos of the month:
Who could this be...it's Anna from Frozen :)
Your twisted sense of humor...why you find putting the role of toilet paper in my shoe to be so funny.
July 12 Happy Gotcha Day - 4 years ago today we held you in our arms for the first time and became a family. You are growing up to be such a beautiful little girl inside and out. We love you so much.
We went out for brunch and the restaurant had this cool looking chair in front. You jumped right up and said, "Surfs Up Dude"...where this came from I have no idea. You come up with the craziest things.
Tanith found this message on her chalk board today...hum who put it there? I think Dorothy when she was watching the dogs...made Tanith's day
July 26 - Tanith's first experience at the Circus. She had a blast and when I asked her what was her favorite parts, she said the lion, tigers and elephants. When we came home she must have also liked the acrobatics, because she was attempting many new tricks on the swing...oh my heart!!!
Videos of the month:
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