Welcome Summer! As we approach some hot days, I predict a lot of water type activities. Tanith is finally signed up for some swim lessons this month and I cannot wait for her to become a little fish and ditch the water jacket! I will be updating the milestones and just general things throughout the month.
So the picture to the right is of this page is of a book we created and sent to China with our voices and pictures in it, so that Tanith would hear and see us before we arrived. I doubt they ever showed it to her, but she loves looking at it now. The other day she came out of her room and said there was a picture missing so she added one. She drew a picture of herself and wrote I "picture of a heart" U and taped in the book. LOVE!
My favorite from the month: We were driving somewhere and I looked back at Tanith, probably a bit too long and she said "What?", I did not respond but instead turned back around. A minute latter I did it again, but this time she said, "What....do I have a mustache?" We just lost it and broke out into laughter. Her sense of humor is amazing and she is turning out to be pretty witty!
Aug 1 - some fun with grandma/pa!
Guess the gelato was good!
Aug 4 - My first swim lesson at Goldenwest College...I also learned how to swim here ;)
The neighborhood annual picnic
Love this picture of the girls looking at their baby books.
What is the best day ever? Running in the sprinklers on a hot Summer day. Of course you must wear rain boots, a dress and a party umbrella to make the fun complete.
One of many dress up outfits...this by far is a favorite. Little Elsa :)
A visit to the vet and a little Bart time...he is big, but as sweet as can be. Bart belongs to one of the doctors.
Celebrating mommy's birthday
Started Gymnastics again. She has been asking for awhile now, so I thought it was a perfect time to get back into it.
Enjoying a hot final day of the month with her cousins.
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