Weight: 42.5
What's New
- Starting off the month relaxing at home. Both of us recovering from being sick and of course the Halloween activities the day/night before.
- Tanith found a Chess Game and wanted to play it, but I told her she needed to learn how to play Checkers first, so Grandpa taught her. Grandpa won game number one, but then Tanith won against me on game two.
- Recap from Grandma. The other day at therapy, Tanith went up to a little baby and she was trying to say "clap", the father thought she said "crap" and proceeded to lift the baby up to smell if she went potty...and that folks is why we are in therapy :)
- A few new words that Tanith is saying include: Seriously and Really These words are used when she is being sarcastic, making a point or pretending to be shocked by something we say. Placement of the words is perfect too. Where does she get this from....oh ya, me :)
- The other day at the store she saw band aids with Hello Kitty and Princess characters on them. She walked up said, "Hello Kitty, Princesses on band aids...I am going to cry. So dramatic...crazy girl.
- Have been playing a fun game for awhile now, but keep forgetting to add it here. Favorite games to play with mommy: Rock-Paper-Scissors, Tracing letters and numbers on each others back, so the person has to guess what the number or letter is; and always in the car we play I Spy.
- Tanith's new hobby...collecting Rocks. Not sure why, but she says she likes rocks.

Photos by Tanith (a new segment which in hindsight I should have started a long time ago...she is always taking pictures of people, herself and random shots, so I thought I should start capturing some of them here. Here are two from Nov 1. I love how she took the pictures, very abstract:
Random Monthly Photos
On our way to school...my Sunshine!
Crazy two...had to pose with every mannequin in the store.
Turkey (or as Tanith kept calling it, the Chicken) family art project for school.
Received her first award given at school as a Friendly Kindergartener and a look at some pre-gymnastic stretching.
Helping me cook dinner. Let the record show, we have a supreme potato masher in the family...looks like I found the next "killer potatoes" maker for the holidays :)
11/14: The night at the museum. The Indian Princesses, Tanith and daddy all had an amazing adventure at the La Brea Tar Pits Museum. Not only did they get to camp out on the floor inside the museum all night with all the dinosaurs, but they had a tour of the area and much more. According to daddy, Tanith had a blast and was very eager to learn. In Tanith's words, "this is my first time here, so I want to learn as much as possible"...which is what she did, by asking a LOT of questions. Daddy said they were very good questions too, but a lot of them :) Guess she also has a new "stuffy" to bring home named Lona...can't wait to see what daddy got her :)
This was a great experience for her. This was their first outing since joining the father daughter group and I am sure there will be plenty more firsts to come. Oh, one other first that night. Tanith told her daddy that she is big enough to go in the "girls" bathroom by herself...so daddy stood outside and let her go in. Growing up way to fast in my opinion.
Nov 17-24 Tanith and Daddy in Costa Rica (I started a new job, so no vacation time).
Getting beautiful for Glori's Graduation Party
Out with the family...she is having so much fun...mommy who?
Home from their trip...getting back to normal.
Thanksgiving this year was spent quietly at home since everyone was sick. So no fun photos, just a few of sick Tanith
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