Tanith has mastered the skateboard and riding bikes, now we need to practice her skating techniques. Looking forward to a month of holiday's and smooth transition as I take on a new job.
Walking the swap meet on a mission for a new bike helmet...not successful, but enjoyed time with the family and ended the day with three games of Monopoly...Tanith has advanced to a very strategic game...wins every time!
It's that time of the year again...doctors visit and flu shot. As seen below she is armed with her comforts a Starbucks drink and Pooh bear. She never felt the shot, but milked the whole my arm hurts for days.
Doctor reports Tanith as healthy and here are her stats: Ht: 4'1 - 55 percentile (grew 3 inches since last year), Wt 56 lbs - 65 percentile (gained 7 lbs) and her vision/hearing are good.
Tanith reading to the dogs...not the best picutre since I was trying to sneak in the picture...busted!
Mommy/daughter selfie after our salon day. Nails, Toes and Hair...check, check and check!
Love this photo, it was a major coincidence that these friends all wore a shirt with the same image...a teacher noticed and took this picture.
11/8 - So today a new president elect was chosen and to many, it was not the outcome that was expected. Tanith was very involved in this president election. She had her opinion about who she wanted and even said her and her friends talked about the election all the time on the playground. This election was between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. Tanith wanted Hilary to win and was worried Trump (aka Trunk as how Tanith said his name) would win and start a war.
Well the night of the election, I tried to turn the election coverage off of the TV and tried to put on Tanith's Disney shows and she told me NO...she wanted to watch the election numbers. She wanted to stay up late to see who wins, but it was getting way too late and it was a school night, so she made me promise to tell her in the morning. The next morning I broke the news that Trump won and she was not happy. I guess that day there was a lot of talk on the playground and everyone (her friends) were all very upset with the outcome. It just killed me how involved she got. Every time I tried to correct her on Trumps name, she said I know his name...but will continue to call him Trunk.
Here she is the night of the election, playing on the computer and watching the results!
11/11 - Its hard to believe its November with our summer like weather, but its hot and Tanith even went to the beach and played in the waves.
Random photos from Tanith...she asked for my phone to take selfies :)
Movie time with cousins! Seeing Trolls and in style. Tanith said "this is the life" as she lounges in her adjustable comfy seat.
Tanith asked for a photo shoot with her beloved Pooh Bear...
Happy Thanksgiving (pre-Turkey Day) - Art work
Low key weekend...cuddles with Hutch and super excited for her new blanket.
Thanksgiving Break with Grandma/pa...
Costco run!
Time to make some yummy pies!
Luckily my little helper stepped up and swept the patio, while I mowed the lawn because the next day...RAIN all day!
Sunday funday at Disney in the rain...was the BEST!
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