February Update...What's New

What a great way to start off the month. We have a white board in the kitchen, which we use for homework, to learn important information, create works of art, and to pass on inspirational messages. I usually write notes with positive messages, but sometimes little gems like this one appear on the board.
This was from daddy to start off the new month. I usually do not take pictures of the messages, but may start now as it is a nice way for Tanith to remember these little moments in her life.

2/7: Tanith caught in a lie...oh my. So on this day I noticed some of Tanith's hair sticking straight up on her head...this was not normal, but I took some gel and flattened it down...or so I thought. The next day, I noticed the same crazy hair and asked Tanith if she cut her hair. She insisted that she did not. I continued to press her on the subject and she continued to deny any cutting. As I looked closely, it was obvious that her hair had been cut, so I ask her again and now she starts coming up with story after story. I think something happened at school, to I am not sure what happened, to my favorite, the dogs did it. I was done with all the lies, and asked her this is your final opportunity to come clean and tell me what really happened. She started to cry a little and said, "but I do not want to get in trouble", We told her is it not better to get in a little trouble by telling the truth, then getting in a whole lot of trouble for lying? She agreed and told me she was making a paper crown and was trimming the crown while it was on her head and accidentally cut her hair. Well, two days later and finally the truth. I told her that lying or hiding something from mommy or daddy will make her get into a lot more trouble, but if she just came to us and told us, well yes we would be upset, but it would be over very quickly and we would move on. Lying is not acceptable and plus she is really bad at it too :) Here is a picture, I hope the hair issue is noticeable. I put a box around the crazy hair.
Happy Valentines Day from Grandma/pa
Our first visit with cousin Willow...7 weeks old.
Monday was a holiday, so while mommy worked from home, Tanith worked on her class project. The topic is Cultures Around the World and Tanith selected China. Presentation is on March 1 and her presentation is great (mommy gave her some tips) and she will be dressed in her Traditional clothing and will pass out Red Envelopes to her classmates. We did take a break and walked to Starbucks for a tasty frappuccino.
Feb 14 -
Mommy had a special treat waiting for Tanith before we left for school and daddy surprised Tanith at lunch on Valentines Day at school
Cousin Fun!
CNY Year of the Dog - Getting Ready!
Dress Rehearsal...considering the festivities were still four hours away. I kindly convinced her to change and put the dress on later.
Let the celebrations begin. Chinatown, Los Angeles
Day after a night of dancing and fun...
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