Sunday, July 18, 2010

Back in Guangzhou

Had a fairly lazy day today. Only some paperwork and a Pizza Party. We are all doing well. Tanith and daddy are taking a nap giving me an opportunity to update the blog. Rained really hard last night which I think helps with the humidity...still hot but not as sticky. We found a non-Chinese food at a restaurant near the hotel called Boca which had really good food, yeah! I cannot remember what I wrote last time but in case I did not mention it, the plane ride was amazingly seamless. Tanith slept through most of it but we anticipate that the long flight home may be more challenging. Really not much to report today, but tomorrow I think is her medical check up and I will let you know how that goes. Poor baby girl is going to need a number of shots and I think it is going to hurt me more than it hurts her.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys! still missing you!
    I'm sure it was nice eating soething besides chinese. But when you get back we still have to go to Kenny's! lol
    Keep taking lots of pictures!
    Tia Jessika
