Monday, July 26, 2010

Two more days to go!

It is hard to believe that we have two more days to go until we return home. We have been out and about with the other last remaining couple seeing the area, taking the subway to a lot of interesting places and just looking forward for tomorrow when we take the Oath and Tanith becomes a US citizen (well it will be effective as soon as we land in LAX). Tanith is already saying mama and dada and is now walking around with the assistance of furniture and is a stealth scooter...she moves around on her bottom all over the place and is very fast. It is amazing to see how fast she is picking up on things. She is very energetic which is going to make the long plane trip home very interesting. Nothing else to report and will try to post one more time before we leave.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys! great picture! she doesnt know what that ink on her daddys chest is?
    Enjoy your last days in China, but we can't wait until you are back. We've missed you so much!
    Tia Jessika
