Height: 35.5 Weight: 29.6
This month Tanith has begun to speak a lot more and even in mini sentences now. We moved up from just one word to "mommy's home and apple juice please". Her numbers and colors have improved She loves playing on her Starfall learning website, which teaches her numbers, colors, shapes, and songs. At first we would sit on the computer together and I would navigate around the site to all the learning activities. I finally decided to teach her how to use the mouse and mouse button. It only took one time for me to show her how to use it and she mastered it. Now she gets on the computer a few times a day and navigates around the site all by herself. It really amazed me how fast she learned and at that moment I realised she was really watching everything I did while I was navigating around the site with her. She is able to select her activities, go back to the main menu, close an activity and adjust the volume. As far as television, she still loves the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the Baby Can Read shows, but now added Alvin and the Chipmunks to her list of favorites. She always wants to be outside and loves her playground in the backyard. She easily climbs up the ladder and the rope to the top now and she recently taught herself how to spin on the swing by turning it around and around and then letting the swing spin her back around (video below).
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