What's new...
9/1/17 - Day 2 of 3rd grade and everything is still great. Tanith seems to really like her teacher and says she makes learning fun. Hope this momentum keeps up. After school we went for a swim and then soccer practice. It continues to be extremely hot and so thankful we can find some reprieve from the weather at grandma/pa's house.
Girls finally got their uniforms and found out their color is purple. Tanith is lucky #7 and the Double Diamonds are getting ready for their first game next week.
Sep 9 - Tanith's first ever soccer game. The Double Diamonds got the win (2-1) and had a blast. Tanith has a lot of potential, just needs the drive (a little lazy out their), but she had a few great moments like, her spot on throw in, stopped a ball as goalie, and a great kick as mid-fielder. She is the only one on the team who has never played before and she really kept up. Proud mommy moment.
Monthly random photos:
Quick nap before soccer practice...she is holding my arm so tight.
China sister swim party...end of Summer!
And here is a picture when they all were so little. Age around 2 and now 8 years old. We tried to recreate the picture, just missing one sister.
Soccer fun
Best friend Jocelyn!
Back to school night. Tanith's teacher is very nice, organized, and Tanith loves her.Got to learn about school expectations and see some work they already completed so early on. Hoping for a positive, not too many issues for talking and a fun school year. According to Tanith, here are a few things about her:
- Nickname at school: TT
- Favorite TV shows are: Tom and Jerry, What Not To Wear, Americas Got Talent, and America Ninja Warriors.
- Favorite Foods: pizza, soup, shrimp, rice, Mexican food
- Favorite Sport: Soccer
- If she had a million dollars, she would: buy a house with a pool, have a dog, and help the homeless people.
- Favorite Musical Artist: Taylor Smith (meant Swift)
- Favorite Animals: Dolphin, cat, dog
- If she was Principal, should would tell the students: No Homework
- Places she would like to visit: Hawaii, Hollywood, China, and Africa

Something new in Tanith's world...reading glasses. She has a slight strain in her vision, so the doctor suggested reading glasses to help with the stress on her eyes.
Lunch out with mommy's good friend Jeannette and her son Anthony. Tanith and Anthony had a blast together and allowed mommy and her friend to catch up.
Tanith decided to make breakfast for mommy, luckily I came out before she actually started cooking. I let her cook it, but because its the stove, feel like mommy still needs to be present.
And so it begins...No mom's allowed sign hanging on her door! I do not think so baby girl :)
Lunch, shopping, and Tanith fell in love :)
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