Thursday, August 2, 2018

August 2018

August is here and it's hot. Tanith spending time with family, friends, and at camp as we start to ramp up for school starting at the end of the month. This year is 4th grade, which mean upper class. Hopefully we can squeeze in some more fun adventures before schools begins.

7 years ago to the day (8/25), same stadium, different veuue...oh how they have grown :)

8/29: Its posted...4th grade class lists. Tanith is in Ms. Kitchen's class. Tomorrow the new school year begins. Pre-school dinner and then home to get the outfit picked out and backpack packed :)

8/30: First day of 4th Grade begins!

Classroom had no desks, only couches, comfy chairs and unique sitting arrangements. Going to be an interesting year!